Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Bibasis mahintha of South India

Skipper butterflies of the genus Bibasis are known as awlets. The Indomalayan region is the only home of the genus. Only three diurnal species remain in Bibasis (B. aquilina, B. iluska, and B. sena), according to Vane-Wright & de Jong (2003); the rest have been relocated to Burara.


Bibasis amara is a little green awlet.

Plain orange awlet known as bibasis anadi

Bibasis aquilina, from South China to Japan's Amur (Speyer, 1879).

Nicer Bibasis arradi

Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Palawan, and Mindanao are among the countries that have bibasis etelka (Hewitson, [1867]).

Pale green awlet, Bibasis gomata


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